Evangelism: How to avoid Rabbit Trails while sharing your faith

Rabbit Trails  (how to avoid distraction to step through evidence LOGICALLY)

In sharing God’s WORD, our TESTIMONY, or the GOSPEL, many people will rabbit trail you.
What is a RABBIT TRAIL?  Rabbit trails are statements or questions that INTERRUPT your train of thought.

If I am sharing the WORD and someone says, “How can I trust a book written by MEN!” 
1)      The best idea is not to DEBATE them.  DEBATE leads to nothing but closed ears.
2)      The best idea is not to make a CONTRADICTING STATEMENT which leads to closed ears.
3)      It is better to ask a QUESTION TO PROVOKE THOUGHT.  What kind of question?
LEADING QUESTIONS ARE BEST.  Example of the trustworthiness of scripture...
1)      Yes or No...Does our society TRUST Algebra, Physics, Chemistry, History, Medical and Law books?
If you were in a court of law...
2)      Yes or No...Would you agree that the SOURCE is important?  (statement) Some people are more TRUSTWORTHY than others.  Some have the motive to lie and others have nothing to gain.
3)      So, if that SOURCE was an EYEWITNESS, would DIE FOR HIS TESTIMONY with nothing to gain, would you not agree that this is a TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE?
4)      If that SOURCE’S TESTIMONY also was corroborated (agreed with) OTHER EYEWITNESSES completely, would you not agree that it is a TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE?
5)      If all those testimonies were also agreed with THE REST OF THE SCRIPTURES, would you not agree that is was CONSISTENT WITH SCRIPTURE?  That it must be declared TRUE?
6)      In a courtroom with EYEWITNESS TESTIMONIES that AGREE from DIFFERENT PEOPLE in same and different places, CONSISTENT with 40 people over thousands of years...
a)      What do you think the likelihood of them coming to complete agreement is?  Not likely right?
b)      What do you think that the Judge would rule in a situation like this?  TRUTH or LIES?  No matter what they answer, You have provoked thought.  You say, TRUTH because of the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE proves it.

·         It is likely that the person might try to Rabbit Trail you in many ways...Some examples:  Genetics, Dinosaurs, Evolution, All Religions lead to God, I don’t believe in God, Specific theories or scientists, layers of earth, philosophies from other religions, new discoveries.
You can return to each question individually and prove evidence through once again leading questions.  Know where you want to lead them?  Have them come to the answer or lack of answer to help lead them to the answer.

·         If this happens, say, “That’s a good question but let’s address this question for just a moment...  You must be able to complete your EVIDENCES that lead to a LEADING QUESTION or you accomplish nothing in this discussion other than bringing their doubts to the surface.

1)      Christians need to FIRST be solid on some things we know as facts from the BIBLE

To share effectively, we must have a solid foundation to work from.
Here are some foundational concepts that must be known.
a)      Scripture is our ultimate authority for FAITH and PRACTICE.
b)      Scripture is the WORD of GOD, INSPIRED by GOD, INERRANT.
d)      GOD is LOVING and SELF SACRIFICIAL for us.
e)      The GOSPEL isn’t a list of rules.  It is about GOD’S LOVE FOR US.
f)       JESUS is the SON OF GOD.  He was real, 100% God, 100% Man.
g)      God knew that ONLY the sinless sacrifice of Jesus could pay for our sins.
h)      There is NO other WAY to GOD other than through JESUS.

Let’s practice sharing creating our evidence for legitimacy.  Think of the STEPS of good CASE BUILDING
1)      OLD TESTAMENT prophecy foretelling of Christ
2)      Christ FULFILLING all prophecy
4)      agreeing EYEWITNESSES
5)      40 agreeing men...what’s the likelihood (pastors, doctors, fisherman, historians, tax collectors)
6)      Willing to DIE for a LIE?  All of them?  Isn’t there not anyone who recanted their testimony?
7)      Did they have anything to gain by lying?


How can Rabbit Trails be both good and bad?

What are some things you learned today about sharing your faith that you can apply to sharing?


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