“what good thing must I do to get eternal life?' Matthew 19:16
A man asked Jesus, 'Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?' Matthew 19:16 (NIV)
Why did the man ask this question, and what must we assume about him? Obviously, the man understood enough of the law to know that the soul is eternal; however, he wrongly assumed that entry to heaven is based upon his personal efforts. Many people share the misconceptions that either their good works earn them eternal salvation or that their good works will outweigh their evil deeds, thus qualifying them for salvation. Ephesians 2:8 states that salvation is through faith alone. Salvation is not through works. John clearly states Jesus's own words regarding salvation in this statement, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' John 14:6 (HCSB)
Sin's effects were well understood since Adam and Eve; however, the redeemer of God's people came in an unexpected way. Many expected the Messiah as an earthly redeemer to rescue Israel from political tyranny. God had a bigger plan for all of mankind. Instead, He came as the humble Passover Lamb to be sacrificed as the one payment for all of our sins. Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice bridges the chasm that once separated our souls from the presence of our holy and righteous Creator, and redeemed us from eternal damnation in hell.
If God already provided the atonement for sin, how are we to respond to this? We are taught that salvation comes thru faith in Christ. We must recognize and admit our sin. We must follow that by asking for forgiveness. Then, surrendering to Christ's will, we must believe in faith that we are forgiven. Finally, we have the assurance of salvation when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord. Then, the Holy Spirit will indwell us, guiding our hearts and our minds. Roman 12:2 states that now, 'we are a new creation in Christ Jesus'. The scriptures are clear that we can be assured of our salvation and will show much fruit in our lives by the deeds that we do. These deeds will be done through the power of the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion, deeds are not done to earn salvation; rather, they are done as a result of our belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit working in and through us.
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