Answers to questions in the Book of Revelation (Bible & Life Questions)
Questions from participants in a group study on Agents of the Apocalypse on the Book of Revelation 12/12/2017
I was asked to serve as the answer guy for a group study of Dr. David Jeremiah, Agents of the Apocalypse study of the Book of Revelation. I jumped at the opportunity as I feel this series is one of the best introductions to the characters of the book. It brings clarity to a highly symbolic book in the Bible. The participants also have a few life questions they wanted to be answered. I have included those as well. I hope you the reader can benefit from our Q&A session.A little background on Revelation...
There are many interpretations of Revelation scripture. Revelation is the most self-revealing book in the Bible. If you continue to read on, you will likely find the answer in the next few pages. It is filled with symbolism. It is difficult to understand as John the Apostle tries to describe what he sees from an early AD perspective of things we have not yet seen in future times. Then he explains in symbolic ways for fuller meaning.
Revelation contains 500 references to the Old Testament and 278 of the 404 verses, roughly 70% of the book of Revelation, contains references to the Old Testament.
"Before the Antichrist will be revealed and the Tribulation begins, there will be a falling away from the faith by true believers. 'The' falling away makes this more than just a few people, but a significant departure from the faith by a large segment of believing Christianity.
"Before the Antichrist will be revealed and the Tribulation begins, there will be a falling away from the faith by true believers. 'The' falling away makes this more than just a few people, but a significant departure from the faith by a large segment of believing Christianity.
Jesus Himself predicted such a time: 'And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. then lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold' (Matthew 24:10-12). And Paul wrote to Timothy about the same occurrence: ' latter times some will depart from the faith.' They will 'not endure sound doctrine;' they will 'turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables' (1 Timothy 4:1; 2Timothy 4:3-4). The Present age will not end in a great revival but a great falling away and apostasy." Who are the "falling away from the Lord people"? Where are the seeds that were scattered? What will happen to them?
Answer: According to scripture, which is our only authoritative source for Revelation answers, I will attempt to best answer this question from my limited perspective. Our culture has been falling away from God. In the early 1960s in the U.S. departing from God accelerated as we began eliminating prayer, bible from the school and ten commandments from public buildings. We must remember though that Revelation is a world event, not a U.S. event. Keeping this in mind though we saw a shift from pre-modern religious thought to modern thought in which Atheism grew out of a rational, measurable scientific movement. We began to trust in our logic, ability to reason and scientifically explain away God. We thought we had the answers and that God was a fable to tell those things we could not explain before. We know now that science only explains some of the exacting laws by which an intelligent designer worked to create and sustain this universe. God has a formula for all creation and we are only starting to begin to see and only partially explain. It is highly mathematic and proves God more than disproves. Some of Einstein’s theories on black holes and other complicated things are finally being proven in the 2000s, far after his death. This shows the image of God, the characteristic nature of God such as creativeness, reason, etc. These characteristics are not shared with the animal world. Man is the unique creation made in the image of God. That is why we are also uniquely attacked by Satan.
So, we went to modern (rational, measurable, scientific) thought. Then society moved toward post-modern thought. We can see this and post-post-modern thought present today. In postmodern thought, you create your own belief. No longer are there any of the previous pre-modern religious absolutes or modern scientific absolutes. Now, reality can be re-defined and combined. Reality to the postmodern mind is individualistic combining multiple religious views can be combined from contradictory religions. Established institutions, practices, history, etc must be deconstructed. We see this in the removal of historic figures, abandonment of the church, etc. In a world where individuals decide the truth, chaos and revolution are bound to occur. Reality is now whatever you make it in your own head. Good can be called evil and evil can be called good because there is no rational framework, no absolutes to use as reference points. Imagine that you are moving but so it everything around you. You have no stationary frame of reference. That makes it very hard to tell whether you are stopped and everything else is moving or if everything is stopped and you are moving. There is no absolute frame of reference…a stationary object with which to use as a reference. We know that the Bible is our absolute standard but the people of the world are disregarding this as all other standards of culture and morality at an increasing rate.
Today, we see this departure from the faith. With the individual ability to determine what we want to accept as truth, all formerly immoral practices are up for selective decision. We can now convenient store shop for those things we like and reject those things we don’t to fit our desires. Nobody can tell you that your truth is wrong because you individually decide it. It is about making your own new truth based on your will, get it your way regardless of facts. It’s a sliding scale based on what the individual wants to believe based on culture and individual preference. It’s a step toward total anarchy, chaos, political and cultural destruction.
“Many will be offended” We see this today as everyone is hyper-sensitive and intolerant of others belief. Intolerance grows under the modern concept of “tolerance.”
Will our age have another revival? Many theologians believe postmodernism may lead to an age of revival. We can hope for our generation, but it is slowly stepping toward a time when men will no longer listen to God or tolerate Christians. Men and women in the church have already stopped reading their Bibles and rely purely on videos and pastors to tell them how & what to think. In our postmodern world, our culture is choosing to listen to men and women who tickle their ears, excite them with self-empowerment and tell them things they want to hear. Eventually, the pulpit will be a mockery of false teachings, self-help, prosperity doctrine, little God concept, therapeutic enhancement, and psychology. Although some of these can be good, there are few things wrong with accepting these as ultimate truths. We see a rise in false teachers and gurus. Each teaching some truths but denying the complete truth of Jesus Christ. You see…Satan works through half-truths and charismatic personalities. Did you know what every cult has in common? A charismatic leader. In fact, many began within the church.
When God is eliminated as the ultimate source of truth, then we are on a downward slide to chaos. Eventually, as the Bible tells, many false prophets will tickle ears with all kinds of teachings and men will be misled easily to pursue doctrine that supports their evil ways. God, the Bible, truth itself will be deconstructed and redefined. Eventually, Christianity and Christians will be rejected as “hate speech” or “intolerant.” The Word as it is written will be illegal and they will be singled out for legal, physical, economic and government attack.
Under these conditions, it is no surprise that many will fall away. It will not be easy to be a Christian. It will come with a significant cost. You may not be able to find employment and will be under great persecution. If you don’t believe this could happen in America, look around the world. It is happening in many parts of the world already. The Bible and Christian symbols are illegal in many countries already. Today, some 50+ nations control and inflict religious penalties. Christianity is not free everywhere. With Christians being persecuted, many will deny the faith and distance themselves out of self-preservation and self-interest.
Jesus said the dead would be raised when he returns so what happens to our souls? Do we immediately go to Heaven? Will we see our loved ones?
Our souls immediately go to heaven upon our death and we are promised a heavenly body. We who have died will return with Christ and then the dead in the earth (pre-Christ who had faith in God) will also be raised. We will be given a new physical body. Yes, we will see our loved ones and recognize them. The Bible speaks about Moses and Elijah both being recognizable at the transfiguration although they had died already. We will recognize those we loved and knew here. Our relationship will be better though with sin removed.
Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."
This brings a bit of misunderstood scripture to mind as well. When Jesus passed from life to death, some teach that he went to hell for 3 days to pay the penalty. He did not owe the penalty to Satan. He owed it to God. When he died, the penalty was paid. John 19:30 Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. Finished is complete. Jesus paid the penalty for us to God alone. Why do they say he went to hell? We know that Jesus went to heaven, we also know that he went to hell. He went there to testify of his victory as a free man. This also contradicts the false teaching that God or Jesus cannot be in the presence of evil. God and Jesus have no such limits. God can go to Hades any time he chooses. Satan, the adversary or enemy, also comes before the throne to testify against us day and night. That is why he is called the Devil, meaning the slanderer.
I believe that not only will we see our loved ones and recognize them in heaven as Jesus and Peter, James and John did with both heavenly Elijah and Moses at the Transfiguration in Matthew 17, but we may recognize pets, make art, create buildings, etc. I do not believe that we would enter a heaven of confusion but rather one of restoration, identity, creativity, and order. This earth is a glimpse of the heavenly perfection. Our abilities will be heightened, and our “image” character magnified. We will recognize the Lord as well even though we have never physically seen Him before.
Why was there a waiting period for the Holy Spirit to come on the disciples? Rev. 22:7
Everything in God’s plan has a purpose, provision and an appointed time. We often want what we want and don’t want to wait for the provision or the appointed time. Jesus was promised for 400 years then he came. Jesus said to the disciples that he was going to send “another helper”. This helper, the Counselor, as the Bible also refers to him was to arrive at the appointed time after Jesus had ascended. Jesus still had to do work of guidance and instruction among his disciples before his departure.
I believe that God wants to reclaim all of humanity. 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” He is waiting for men to choose Him. He is willing to wait on entire family lineages to get as many as He can. He has not revealed why some won’t choose him other than pride and defiance. He is calling everyone. Some will just not answer the call and perish. He is reaching out but we must grab hold and accept Him.
Satan introduced sin, but we know that Satan cannot do anything without God allowing him to do it. God knew that Satan would introduce sin in his arrogant pride. God allowed it I believe as a sorting mechanism. Men through sin would either choose or reject him. The decision is man’s where he will spend all eternity. God is giving him the chance to choose through free-will. He wants us to choose Him voluntarily & to choose lives that show obedience, respect and thankfulness to Him.
We definitely won’t know all of God’s ways as His ways are above our own, but we will know some things that God has revealed. We do know that God loves us and has plans to do good things for us. For those things not revealed yet, we must have faith.
Rev. 22:7-9 Wasn't that Jesus who was talking to John?
The last book of the Bible is referred to as the “Revelation of Jesus Christ”. This revelation is spoken both by Jesus, an angel and the narrator John.
Why was there this war between God and Satan still going on? If Satan was defeated at the cross, he should not have any power over Christians, yet he seems to be attacking them still. There seems to be a "game" between God and Satan. Why is Satan not totally defeated on planet earth? Why are we still waiting? Is this the time when Satan should be loos for a time before the final end?
It’s a battle first of all that God knew in his omniscience would occur. He created Satan knowing that he would rebel and introduce sin, yet He created him. God does not want robots. He wants us to choose Him. Could he have possibly realized that the perfect world is the perfectly imperfect world? It’s not the best world, it’s the best possible world. A perfect “best” world would have zero choice. The best possible world has imperfections that just work.
Satan has been charged and sentenced but like many prisoners on death row, there is a time when they are waiting for their sentence to be carried out. It will be carried out at the appointed time. Until then, there is work to do. Remember, Satan cannot do anything that God does not allow him to do. So, God is allowing Satan to operate so that God’s plans will ultimately be achieved.
Yes, after the millennial reign, there is a time when Satan will be released again before he is cast in the lake of fire. I do not know the purpose of this, but I must trust it is as good as his plan for redemption through Jesus Christ and his need to wait for the appointed hour to restore this world.
If Satan was alive and well, why would God place man in the garden when He knew Satan was clever enough to defeat man? Is that the same thing as placing a child in a cage with a tiger?
The serpent was crafty which is not a bad word. Crafty meaning very clever. Why would God need the serpent to be so much more crafty than all the other animals. I believe for the same reason that he was able to speak. It was to possible teach Adam and Eve or for some great purpose in the garden. Yet, the serpent used this gift against God as we also use our gifts to glorify self and disobey God. Free-will…it’s free or is it. We are free to choose but some of our decisions come with a heavy penalty. Sin has serious weight. God gives us parents to care for us but they do not always do the right things either. Yet, he still gives us parents. We need to realize that we live in a fallen imperfect world that may be not the best world, but rather the best possible world. God knew what would happen would lead to another specific time. He in His infinite knowledge knows what is best for us in a multigenerational way.
Define sons of God and daughters of man. Gen. 6:2.
Sons of God – Seth’s descendants
“at the that time they began to call upon the Lord”
He like his older brother Able, loved God.
Daughters of man – Caine’s descendants
His wife name meant shade, his daughter’s name meant loveliness. Surface things.
Caine and his descendants built cities and named them after his sons, not God.
He invested his time in art, architecture, etc. All worldly things. Not God.
Context in scripture: Genesis builds up the story of the line of Caine and Able then introduces Seth. This is immediately followed by Genesis 6:2. What follows this? The flood, a judgement. So we see that the union of Seth’s sons and Caine’s daughters, the godly marrying the ungodly, was not condoned by God. Caine’s daughters were leading Seth’s sons away from the Lord. This couldn’t happen as God was building the foundation for mankind. So, he wiped out mankind with the exclusion of Noah and his family as both a judgement and a sign for all generations to come. They needed to seek God and a godly lineage. We see why in Exodus 34:6-7
The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”
The parents sought to deny God and modeled to their children. Their children also walked away and taught their children to do so. Generations did not know God. We have either a multi-generational God-honoring or opposing lineage.
Why was Noah blameless when there was no law given? How did he know right from wrong?
Answer: Romans 2:14-16 “…Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the Law, do by nature what the Law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the Law, since they show that the work of the Law is written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts either accusing or defending them. This will come to pass on that day when God will judge men’s secrets through Christ Jesus, as proclaimed by my gospel.…”
Genesis 15:6 “Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”
Acts 16:31 "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."
Old Testament was faith in God and the Messiah to come.
New Testament is faith in God and the Messiah who came.
In this shared faith, both were saved.
Psalm 19:1-2 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays his handiwork. Day after day it speaks out; night after night it reveals his greatness.”
Why did the raven never come back? Like the dove? What does the raven symbolize if anything? (Genesis chapter 8)
Answer: Both the raven and the dove were sent out to see if there was land. A raven would feed on dead animals in the water and might not return. A dove, on the other hand, would return to the ark if there was no land.
The dove came back the first time with no signs of land. A week later, he was released and came back later that evening with an olive leaf showing that there was dry land. He spent a considerable time away from the Ark. 1) Doves can’t fly great distances so he was perching somewhere most of the day. 2) Returning with an olive branch was another clear sign that he had found land.
Answer: Jesus had not ascended yet. The Holy Spirit was not needed while Jesus was in the World. God was already present in the person of Christ Jesus. Jesus promised that after he left, he would send “another helper”. The Counselor would indwell their hearts and guide them in all righteousness as Jesus had done.
Since God's timing is not like ours, does that mean that the seven years of tribulation is a literal seven years or could go on for, say hundreds of years?
Answer: The tribulation is actually 3.5 years. The AntiChrist proposes a 7 year treaty then after Israel becomes complacent in times of peace, he suddenly breaks it. This begins the 3.5 years of tribulation. Many will be killed for their faith during these 3.5 years except for the 144,000 Jewish believers. These will be alive and protected during the tribulation. Also, the Antichrist will be in power during this entire Tribulation period. We know that people have never lived as long post-flood due to the changed environment. For the 144,000 and Antichrist to live through this entire tribulation, this period could not be hundreds of years. The years are written “a time, times and half a time” which is very specific to a year, 2 years and 1.2 a year. (1+ 2 + .5 = 3.5 years) Note that the Hebrew year is actually 5 days shorter than a standard year. A standard year today is 365 days. A Hebrew calendar year is 360 days.
Some people like to propose each day of creation could have been hundreds or thousands of years too but the Bible uses the Hebrew term “Yom” for day which means one cycle of light from day to night.
If the names of those from the church of Sardis could be removed from the book of the living, does that mean that anyone who backslides and does not return to the Lord before death or the Rapture can also be removed from the book of the living? (See Rev. 3:4-5)
Answer: There is some variance in beliefs regarding the idea of once saved, always saved. I myself hold to the belief that you are forever secure in Christ’s choice as He does not make mistakes, His sacrifice which is great enough to cover all sins, His coverage which is for all mankind’s sins, Assurance because we know that belief alone assures salvation. It is not belief plus anything. Some like to say that it is belief plus baptism or belief plus church membership or other things but those are doctrine of men. You are saved through belief. Baptism is the outward practice to signify the inward change. This was practiced by Jews long before Christianity. It is a good religious practice but not necessary for salvation. I very much believe that once called by God, we respond and reject or accept Christ. At that time, we are redeemed. We are saved by the blood of the Lamb. This sacrifice pays for all of our sins past, present and future. We can rest assured in our salvation. In that we have hope, assurance of what is definitely to occur. It is not false hope. It is assured. Some will argue against this and there are good arguments on both sides. You must read for yourself and see what your heart tells you based on the nature of God. The Bible tells us that He is patient that none should perish. No universal salvation but patient for each of us to choose. So I believe we can be assured of our salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me.” We know that eternal life is through faith in Jesus.
Question: Does Rev. 6:1-2 mean that Satan/the Antichrist can’t start his rule on earth until Jesus breaks that first seal and releases him?
Answer: Satan can’t do anything unless God allows it; however, Satan has already been ruling the Earth since the day he was cast down to it. Ephesians 2:2 “in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—” Demons, fallen angels are referred to as princes several times in scripture. Princes are in subjection to a king. They are powerful but their power is granted only under the authority of a King. Jesus is the King. Revelation 19:16 “On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords.” Jesus in this case, one of the three persons of God is the only one worthy to open the seals. Each of the seals are the judgments reserved for the appointed end-times.
Question: Could you please tell us your opinion of John 5:25, 28-29 as it relates to those who have died and were cremated. Will they “hear his voice and rise to live (receive resurrected bodies)” the same as those who are buried in graves?
Answer: The form of death or preparation of the body after death are insignificant. If Jesus can raise Lazarus from the tomb, he can restore every cell in your body. He gives us new bodies it says. Philippians 3:21 “who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.” Those cremated, destroyed in industrial accidents, eaten by animals, and those who died at sea will all be fully restored.
Question: Ezekiel 38 & 39…Eze 38:16, re: Yahweh and Gog and Magog. Can you share with us what you know about that battle and the probability that the United States will not be here on this earth at that time? Zechariah 14:1-4
Answer: One of the things that I really value about the Book of Daniel is the view of governments and how long each lasts. They only last a few hundred years. We love the United States but we should educate ourselves enough on world history to know that all governments self-destruct. They either have bad policies that can’t last or they continue to change until they have lost the reason they existed and implode or are so weakened that a foreign power takes them. God often uses foreign powers to discipline his people. When the nation of Israel pulled away from God, He tolerated it a short time then allowed other nations to attack and pulled His protection as a discipline to draw them back to Him. Like a good Father, he disciplines those he loves. America is not mentioned as it will likely no longer be a nation. At our current rate of moral decay and deconstruction of government, constitution, basic creation definition of man & woman, foundation of society marriage, etc we should not be surprised.
Question: During the time that the 144,000 will be sent out, is it to the Jews that they will be speaking?
Answer: the 144,000 will speak to the whole world. They will be Jews who come to Christ after the rapture realizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be true. The evidence will be overwhelming as millions of people suddenly disappear in the exact way that Christians now understand to be the rapture. It will be like 144,000 Billy Grahams evangelizing the world. God has called all creation to salvation even in Genesis and Exodus. Nobody is excluded. God chose Israel as His people to be a witness to the nations and for the Messiah to come from. They are His chosen people for both of these; however, he has not only selected them. He has chosen all people as brothers and sisters in creation to be redeemed equally regardless of race or country of origin.
Question: In Lesson One of the Victor, page 97, The Preparation for His Return, it reads: “The Antichrist will marshal his armies—those of the nations of the revived Roman Empire—in an Attempt to annihilate Israel….Does this allude to Rome being the Center of the Antichrist, and the Unholy Trinity?
Answer: We know that the political part of the Roman empire expired but the religious aspect continued in the Roman Catholic Church. The Antichrist will most likely come as a Pope unifying many with his message to support the Antichrist. Because of his support and the false miracles, many worldwide will believe and follow the Antichrist. The False Prophet may be set up in Rome, but the Antichrist will establish himself to be worshipped in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Question: Why do they only mention Christ coming two times when he actually came four? (birth, short time at Pentecost, return for believers and then lastly, return to judge the earth)
Answer: Christ came several time in the Old Testament in pre-incarnate body. He came again as a child. His resurrection and his return again to the mount of Olives. The later is referred to as the second coming. It is significant as He will restore the earth. So, we wait in anticipation of His return.
Question: Many of us attended the Joel Richardson talk about Islam and the End Times. His version of coming events varies from that of Dr. Jeremiah (i.e., the Antichrist coming out of Europe vs. coming out of the Middle East). What do you say about these different thoughts and how do you recommend we seek answers in order to determine our own educated opinion on the subject?
Answer: There will be many interpretations of end-times. Joel Richardson’s version is based on a current perspective. His view is by no means the widely accepted viewpoint. He sees the growth of Islam and feels fear that this will become a dominant force in our world. We know by 2020-2025 Islam will become the largest world religion by conversion and birth rate. Being the largest, they will gain dominance in law, government, etc. Our world will be very strongly Islamically influenced. Keep in mind that God sees not from a current perspective rather from an eternal perspective. Today’s politics don’t bias his view. I personally do not agree with Joel. The Antichrist will need to have power to influence many through pluralism or syncretism (integration of many religions). We see the Pope moving in this direction already. Islam at it’s origin is not pluralistic. Mohammed founded Islam on Monotheism rejecting all of the other gods of the land. Islam has remained Monotheistic. The Antichrist will sell a “all ways lead to God” doctrine then refer this to the Antichrist thus unifying religions and influence. Muslims would never agree to this. They will however agree to join with anyone against Israel thus joining forces with the Antichrist.
Question: What happens to all the gay and lesbian people when Jesus returns?
Answer: This is very similar to asking what will happen with all the adulterers, fornicators, liars, thieves and everyone else practicing any sin. Christ’s sacrifice is great enough to forgive all sin if you only accept Christ. Confess, repent and accept the mercy and grace given through the blood of Christ. God will restore creation thus eliminate all desire for sin. Homosexuality is one of the rare sins that people self-identify with. Many sexual sins are often addressed that way to justify actions.
Question: Do you know if the Lord will leave behind any (good) Christians to help anyone who needs help coming to the Lord?
Answer: I assume this means at the rapture. Right? Good being a wrong term really to use. We are not good, even one. We are all sinful. We are not good but made righteous through faith in Christ. Good doesn’t get us into heaven either. Only faith. After the rapture, there will be zero believers left on earth. At this occurrence, many finally believe and then come to Christ as will the 144, 000 who will evangelize. The lack of the Holy Spirit working in Christian, the lack of the “restrainer” will enable the rise of the Antichrist to occur.
2 Timothy 3
Remember this! In the last days, there will be many troubles,
because people will love themselves, love money, brag, and be proud. They will say evil things against others and will not obey their parents or be thankful or be the kind of people God wants. They will not love others, will refuse to forgive, will gossip, and will not control themselves. They will be cruel, will hate what is good, will turn against their friends, and will do foolish things without thinking. They will be conceited, will love pleasure instead of God, and will act as if they serve God but will not have his power. Stay away from those people. Some of them go into homes and get control of silly women who are full of sin and are led by many evil desires. These women are always learning new teachings, but they are never able to understand truthfully. Just as Jannes and Jambres were against Moses, these people are against the truth. Their thinking has been ruined, and they have failed in trying to follow the faith. But they will not be successful in what they do, because as with Jannes and Jambres, everyone will see that they are foolish. But you have followed what I teach, the way I live, my goal, faith, patience, and love. You know I never give up. You know how I have been hurt and have suffered, as in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I have suffered, but the Lord saved me from all those troubles. Everyone who wants to live as God desires, in Christ Jesus, will be hurt. But people who are evil and cheat others will go from bad to worse. They will fool others, but they will also be fooling themselves. But you should continue following the teachings you learned. You know they are true because you trust those who taught you. Since you were a child you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise. And that wisdom leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right. Using the Scriptures, the person who serves God will be capable, having all that is needed to do every good work.
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