Politics, Elections and the Ministry

Regarding elections and the ministry... 

I have read a number of well written social media political posts and some sadly misguided and hurtful character smears. No matter what our personal feelings about candidates or issues, as a minister of the Gospel, you must be separate from all of this. I know it's really tempting to comment but don't. The minute you comment on a candidate, your audience is diminished by 50%. What do I mean? I mean that at least 50% of your potential audience now disagrees with you and has tuned out. Resist taking sides. Our message is not politics. Our message is the Gospel. We should not endorse anyone.

2 Timothy 2:4 No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.

This verse reminds us to keep a clear focus and only one mission. Remember that we serve Him, not politics or economics. These are not our Savior. Our hope does not come from government. Our hope lies in the Lord. This is, however, an excellent time to speak with others in a non-partisan way about expectations we should have for an elected official... the character, integrity and resolve needed to represent us well. We can relate these characteristics to our own imperfect lives and strive for a more diligent, consistent personal walk. It's a time of national, community and personal reflection.

In the end, we are called to only one mission, the mission that lines up with the great commission. No matter the debate issue, we can become the obstacle or chose to become a voice of hope. Our choice, however, the Bible is quite clear as to Christ's intent for our personal mission. Be a force in the job to which you were called and let others vigorously debate candidates and highly controversial issues. Know that you are on a different mission.

It's important to remind ourselves who ultimately appoints leaders of the nations, God in His infinite wisdom.  These leaders are to rule their people well.  To rule in Hebrew means "to care for".  These leaders have a responsibility to care for their people.  God knows some will and some will not.  Some will act tyrannically toward their people and look only to their own interests.  Because of this, the word rule has taken on a negative connotation that is not associated with its true meaning.  Whether they choose to serve good or evil, God knows in His omniscience and will use good or bad to judge and to steer the world toward the ultimate goal, ultimate end time plan.  We must have faith and trust.  Our hope does not lie in economics, politics or men.  In recent elections, we see how depressed and angry people have become when their candidate did not win.  Their hope was in that candidate alone.  Our hope lies in faith with God.  Do not act or live as those who do not know the Lord, in panic blown around with each new wind.  Be steady and serve the Lord in wisdom trusting and giving all to the Lord in faith.

There is one thing that you can do as a Pastor.  Pray.  Encourage your congregation to pray.  Pray for those in authority.  Pray for your country.  Pray for your leaders...yes, even the ones you disagree with.  Pray for all of them to make wise God-honoring decisions.


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