Commentary on Genesis 46:3 God protects the growth of His chosen people

Genesis 46:3  I am God (Yaweh), the God (Yaweh) of your father (Jacob referring to his lineage)," he said.  Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.

Let's break down this verse's greater meaning...We see Jacob's fear of Egypt in verse 3.  God removes his fear reminding him of the Abrahamic Covenant.  God has a plan to preserve and protect his lineage.  God states, "...for I will make you into a great nation there."  We see the words, "I will" which indicates one of God's Unconditional Covenants.  There is nothing that Abraham or his descendants can or will do to prevent it.  It is God's will to do this through them.  When God says, "I will", he will do it.  Why not to be afraid? A transitional contractual term is used..."For".  "For...make you a great nation...".  One last word remains..."there".  We often pass this over.  It is extremely important.  They had grown to only 70 in the first 215 years.  God would greatly increase their numbers in Egypt to well over 2 million.  He would make a great nation from their little band of men "there" in Egypt.  Why Egypt?  God protected them there from intermarrying and culturally mixing.  The Egyptians would not intermarry, would not eat imported foods, would not eat with Hebrews.  It was detestable for an Egyptian to do such things.  God in His infinite wisdom knew that this would be the ideal place to increase his chosen people into a great nation.  It would be in Egypt that he would do it.  We see why when we consider previous issues in Caanan with Judah and Tamar, the rape of Dinah, etc.  Canaanites who were known for their disloyalty and influence.  They would also intermarry with other cultures.  So, if the Israelites had been left among the Canaanites to multiply, they would have been compromised as a people.  God isolated the Israelites in Egypt for their own good.

In the same way, we isolate our teens, if only for a short time, by sending them away to to Christian camp.  In a short weekend or week, we see amazing life transformation.  Can you imagine what 430 years would do?  Do you insulate yourself from your society's ungodly influences?  Do you take time to focus in prayer and God's word?  In the 1440 minutes God gives you each day, do you set aside the first fruits of time for God?  The Bible states in Romans 12: 2 to " be transformed through the renewing of your mind."  God's people, Israel, were changed by time alone as a culture seeking God alone.  Do you have the discipline and established practice of separation from culture in your life?  Do you know when to turn culture off so that you can hear clearly from God?  Will you be assimilated into the culture or will your heart and mind remain among God's people so that it can grow according to God's will for your life.


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