Why do so few Christians share their faith?

The way we share our faith today is different.  The days of just showing up at a stranger's house for a visit are almost completely past.  This can be both offensive and dangerous.  Public parks and venues are still ok.  So, what is the best way to share your faith today?  You need to decide for yourself as we are all different but relationship evangelism is one of the best ways.  With a relationship, you have a more receptive receiver and have earned the right to share.  It's very important that our relationship is one of mutual trust and authentic care for one another.  After awhile friendships move from surface to deeper things.  That is an ideal time to talk about spiritual matters.  It's weird just to launch into "I'm from the Army of God!" or "Do you know Jesus?"  Try something more subtle.  Asking questions of what they think first is better.  Ask with interest and reiterate their viewpoint to confirm understanding.  At this point, I would acknowledge how interesting or unique their view is.  Then and only then it gives you an opportunity to also share.  Agreeing is not important at any point.  Being right is not important at any point.  Sharing opening and caring is important.


The link above is for a good article from the Washington Post I thought was worth sharing as I would like to encourage every Christian to share their faith freely.

My comments:
In an era and culture in America that is multi-cultural and religiously diverse, why are so many Christians timid about sharing what they believe as others who believe other things do?  Based on my own findings and talking with people of various backgrounds, there are several factors that seem to influence people's willingness to share their faith.

Many Christians feel they don't have the personal knowledge of the Bible to share.  This feeling often stems from a lack of disciplined time in the Word.  Daily quiet time in the Word and prayer should be a priority for all Christians as it is a crucial element to sanctification.  Without significant dedication to ever-increasing knowledge in the word, a person may feel less than confident in sharing.  If you are not taking time for God, you may feel insufficiently biblically prepared in your own walk; however, it should not be a factor in sharing Christ with others.

Your testimony, your walk, your hope, peace, and joy are unique and should be shared.  This requires only a saving faith in Christ and a caring heart to tell others of the hope and assurance that lies within you.  Do you know you are saved?  Are you thankful and feel compassion for others who may perish without a saving knowledge of Christ?  That is all that is required.  Plant a seed, water it or bring it to harvest.  Each step of service is important to God.  Giving what you can is all that God requires.

Remember the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30)?  The parable did not emphasize results.  We are a very results-oriented culture.  God's culture is not man's culture.  God's ways are not man's ways.  In the parable, the master was only concerned about efforts made.  The master wanted to see that the servant tried to do something with what he was given.  In the same way, God wants us to make the effort to share and do it often.  Do not focus on results.  Ultimately, the Holy Spirit is the one that the Bible states will reveal and convict.  Leave the results to God.  God will not ask, "How many did you get for me?"  He will instead ask, "Did you share the hope and assurance I freely gave to you?"  We should not take the gift for granted.  We should be good stewards and invest in others & in God's kingdom.

Another misconception in sharing is that my testimony is not as dramatic as others I have heard.  That may be true but not everyone needs a dramatic testimony.  I don't have an extreme story, but I share because there is a group of people like me who will relate more to my testimony because of commonality or a relationship we have.  I definitely like my way of sharing more than others' way of not sharing.  Any effort is better than no effort.  He may have only given you a few talents but God asks you to use what He gave you.  Share the hope that lies within you today.  Start sharing Jesus in your circle of influence.  I look forward to the day Christ will say, "good and faithful servant".


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