Jesus teaching on spiritual cleansing through physical washing (John 13:1-17, Luke 22:24-27, Matthew 26:14-39)

Jesus often used examples from everyday life to show spiritual things to the disciples and others.  When Jesus washed the disciples' feet, Peter said, "You will never wash my feet."  The Hebrew word Peter used for wash meant to cleanse, usually referring to the hands or feet.  Jesus replied, "Unless I wash your feet, you have no part in me."  The Hebrew word Jesus used for wash was different and referred to cleansing the dead for burial.  Then Peter replied, "Then wash my feet and my hands and my head too."  We are cleansed of our sins through Jesus's death and resurrection.  We are washed in His blood as He is the lamb sacrificed for the world.  So, all who are already dead in our sins who accept the washing may live through Him.


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