Doctrinal Sermon "Who is God, the Trinity" Pastor Steven Hunter

Preaching and teaching over the years, I have realized more and more than fewer and fewer Christians truly understand the nature of God and even fewer can explain the Trinity.  It's imperative that a Christian understand the Triune God because the believer's individual understanding will affect how they interpret scripture.

Depending on who you think God is, you may receive the message in a completely different way.  Is God and the Word your authority?  Is He a BIG God or a little god.  Is the Bible your only authority or do you accept many ways?  Do you see God as a loving Father exclusively or do you see Him as having a wide number of character traits including wrath?  Our perception can tait our view of Him which will tait our reaction to Him.  That is why I preached this sermon entitled, "Who is God, the Trinity."

Below is the sermon based upon the first 3 points of Christian & Missionary Alliance Doctrine.

A proper understanding of God is a firm foundation for faith.

View the sermon: 


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