THE PARABLE OF THE TWO TREES by Steven W. Hunter (Use this original example of parables to teach students about Jesus's parables. Start by explaining parables, read some of Jesus's parables, then follow-up with this modern parable. Then, encourage them to write or make a video telling their own unique parable under 5 minutes in length.) There once grew a tree unlike any of the others. Immediately it began shooting upward growing quickly. It became stronger, with incredible large sun attracting leaves, and bark tough like iron. Its roots grew a mile in the soil, and its branches began reaching upward day by day toward the sky. Eventually, this great tree through its own efforts pierced the canopy of the forest and began overshadowing even the most ancient of great trees. This tree’s height continued unhindered as it reached still higher for the sun until one day it hit its zenith far above all the others. Having achieved ...
Finding Happiness in the Christian Life "He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he." -Proverbs 16:20 This verse breaks into two distinct parts: 1. A ligning our lives with the word, we find good things as we seek to line up our will with God's will. This means embracing good things and shedding those that lead us in other directions. 2. Trusting we in faith follow Jesus Christ alone. We no longer trust that we know better than God and embrace things contradictory to the word. These 2 simple rules are easier said than done but nothing of great value comes easily. There is always a cost, sacrifice, and submission to become teachable moldable to gain a new thing of value. Those things earned here may have some value here but not for eternity. All things gained with God have eternal value and reward. Where are you laying up treasures? “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, an...
And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." - Matthew 3:17 UNDERSTANDING BAPTISM IN CHRIST'S DAY In Matthew 3, Jesus is being baptized by John the Baptist. Baptism was first practiced in Hebrew culture as a ceremonial cleaning and was later adopted by Christians. Baptism in the Hebrew customs signified a person's willingness to dedicate their lives to God in a public profession. So it is a custom that has also become part of the Christian faith. In Christianity, after accepting Christ as Lord and Savior, a Believer is baptized as a public profession of faith. The word baptism in Hebrew MIKVEH means immersion. There are some variations in how this is done in varying Christian denominations but it always symbolizes faith in Christ Jesus and immersion or filling of the Believer with the Holy Spirit. To the Christian, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons yet form the complete bein...
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