A pastor's response to recent protests riots, looting and violence
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." - Joshua 24:15
Every day in the news, we see protestors demanding change. They stress changes in behaviors. Behaviors are merely symptoms of a deeper problem. If you want to see lasting change in a person, you must go to the heart of the disease. You must change more than how they act, you must transform their heart and mind. The solutions to our current society's problems aren't political or cultural. The ultimate solution is spiritual. It's Jesus. When Christ comes into your heart you begin to see others in a new way, as made image of God, as brothers and sisters, as valuable. You gain compassion. You learn to care, you begin to forgive, and start to selflessly love. You become Christ-like as the Holy Spirit remakes your desires.
What happened in Tampa and other cities in recent protests, looting, and riots reflects the opposite of love. The opposite of building, affirming, encouraging, and loving. The opposite of a solution. The looters and rioter's actions expressed no care for the city or people who live in it. Many of our local families are still attempting to financially recover from COVID. They showed no regard for the family of George Floyd and police officers who lost their lives in the aftermath. Destruction and hatred are the only messages left behind by these individuals. They distract from the real and valid problems in our society and the reason for the protests. During quarantine, most U.S. families became refocused on what is important in life. Most of us began to reevaluate our priorities, became more family-focused, reevaluated our time with God, time in prayer, and began to use our time more wisely to care more for others. Most of us are better for it. Most, but obviously some missed the lesson.
Time in life is precious. We only have a limited amount of it. How will you invest your time? In anger, in revenge? Instead, choose to serve the Lord in the use of your time. Choose to be part of God's solution to bring healing, help, reconciliation, restoration, and promote unity. Choose to minister to a lost and perishing people who are without God, without hope, without peace. Show Jesus's love to a world in need. We all have a part to play. Again I ask, how will you use your time?
- Pastor Steve Hunter
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