Evangelism: How to avoid Rabbit Trails while sharing your faith
Rabbit Trails (how to avoid distraction to step through evidence LOGICALLY) In sharing God’s WORD, our TESTIMONY, or the GOSPEL, many people will rabbit trail you. What is a RABBIT TRAIL? Rabbit trails are statements or questions that INTERRUPT your train of thought. If I am sharing the WORD and someone says, “How can I trust a book written by MEN!” 1) The best idea is not to DEBATE them. DEBATE leads to nothing but closed ears. 2) The best idea is not to make a CONTRADICTING STATEMENT which leads to closed ears. 3) It is better to ask a QUESTION TO PROVOKE THOUGHT. What kind of question? LEADING QUESTIONS ARE BEST. Example of the trustworthiness of scripture... 1) Yes or No...Does our society TRUST Algebra, Physics, Chemistry, History, Medical and Law books? If you were in a court of law... 2) ...