
Showing posts from February, 2020

Evangelism: How to avoid Rabbit Trails while sharing your faith

Rabbit Trails   (how to avoid distraction to step through evidence LOGICALLY) In sharing God’s WORD, our TESTIMONY, or the GOSPEL, many people will rabbit trail you. What is a RABBIT TRAIL?   Rabbit trails are statements or questions that INTERRUPT your train of thought. If I am sharing the WORD and someone says, “How can I trust a book written by MEN!”   1)       The best idea is not to DEBATE them.   DEBATE leads to nothing but closed ears. 2)       The best idea is not to make a CONTRADICTING STATEMENT which leads to closed ears. 3)       It is better to ask a QUESTION TO PROVOKE THOUGHT.   What kind of question? LEADING QUESTIONS ARE BEST.   Example of the trustworthiness of scripture... 1)       Yes or No...Does our society TRUST Algebra, Physics, Chemistry, History, Medical and Law books? If you were in a court of law... 2)       Yes or No...Would you agree that the SOURCE is important?   (statement) Some people are more TRUSTWORTHY than others.   Some

Evangelism: Always being loving vs Always being right

Being Right vs Being Loving When we are prideful, we feel the NEED to prove that we are right.   Loving presentation is key to evangelism.  Is being RIGHT really LOVING?   PROVING you’re right is SELF-ELEVATING at the cost of others.       What are some ways we can balance BEING RIGHT vs BEING LOVING yet still represent the truth and be faithful to God? (list at least 4 things) a)       Listen well b)       Repeat and show understanding of their point of view c)        Show appreciation for their transparency and willingness to share d)       Share God’s Word on that issue, not your opinion...why is that important? e)       Always lead it back to Jesus and salvation

Commentary on Matthew 27:46 " God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

This phrase " God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" appears in more than one gospel and is a quote Jesus references from Psalm 22:2.   Some suggest that Jesus recited this as some of the last words on the cross to show that he is the one whom these words refer to.  In this way, Jesus displayed to the Jewish religious leaders that he was the Messiah appointed to suffer and die for the sins of mankind as the scriptures foretold. At this same time, physical evidences of Jesus's deity were also evident in the earth such as darkness midday 12 to 3 pm, the earthquake, and most significant veil being torn.  This veil was huge and not easy to rip. This is also the only time in scripture that Jesus addresses God without saying Father.  He is making a passionate appeal as we see that scripture says he "cried out." It was a moment of anguish and pain yet done willingly.  Isaiah 53:10 "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him.  It was God's plan for red

Are you a theology thug?

Theo Thug is a expression that has been on my mind because of a funny t-shirt my friend Derrick custom-designed last year.  It's a great shirt that expresses our unity among theologians in a humorous way. I highly recommend owning one.  This shirt practically promises to include you into a secret fraternity that includes Charles Spurgeon, Martin-Lloyd Jones, AW Tozer, and the Puritan kids from down the street.  Plus it's really soft.  There's an added bonus if your name is Theo...all the better!  lol I'd like to depart from the humor, excellent and commendable aspects of being a proud card-carrying member of the "theo thug" community and consider the opposite side of theo thug that unfortunately can rear its ugly head.  Any good thing can be used for wrong purposes.  Theology is no exception.  Example - So many men in history have used theology to control and manipulate the masses.  Charismatic theologians have led many men and women astray with cults