Was Esau rebellious or pleasing to his father in Genesis Chapter 28:6-9?
At first glance at this scripture, it appears that Jacob has been blessed and is obedient to his father, but Esau saw how displeasing Canaanite women were to his father so he rebelled and married one. So he reacted in vengeful spite. Is this what the Bible is saying? No, not at all. This is the story we instantly assume, right!? Sometimes our assumptions affect how we read and interpret scripture. I had to reread the scripture and correct my thinking. I asked myself, "How can Esau possibly be doing something to please his father who just gave away his birthright!?" Read the verses: Now Esau learned that Isaac had blessed Jacob and had sent him to Paddan Aram to take a wife from there, and that when he blessed him he commanded him, “ Do not marry a Canaanite woman ,” and that Jacob had obeyed his father and mother and had gone to Paddan Aram. Esau then realized how displeasing the Canaanite women were to his father Isaac ; so he went to...