
A generation without heroes

A generation without heroes? I’m sure that many of you heard stories growing up that helped form your concept of right and wrong. You cheer for the good guys and boo for the bad guys. When I was growing up, in the 70s and 80s…at least for me,  superheroes were flawless champions of character . For a young boy growing up in America, superheroes exemplified sacrifice as they always did the right thing regardless of the cost . They unified and protected all the people of the earth. They stood in the gap to defend the defenseless against the forces of evil. They joined together against foes forming the Justice League. They maintained the victorious balance of good over evil . This idealistic character role model formed the absolute of good that I embrace to this day, part of my identity as an American and as a Christian. My two favorite superheroes were always Superman and Captain America . I was attracted to the uncompromising character of each, the Christian morals by whi...

Finding Happiness in the Christian Life

  Finding Happiness in the Christian Life "He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he." -Proverbs 16:20 This verse breaks into two distinct parts:  1. A ligning our lives with the word, we find good things as we seek to line up our will with God's will. This means embracing good things and shedding those that lead us in other directions.   2. Trusting we in faith follow Jesus Christ alone. We no longer trust that we know better than God and embrace things contradictory to the word. These 2 simple rules are easier said than done but nothing of great value comes easily. There is always a cost, sacrifice, and submission to become teachable moldable to gain a new thing of value. Those things earned here may have some value here but not for eternity. All things gained with God have eternal value and reward. Where are you laying up treasures? “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, an...

Expository Sermon - Psalm 32 Pastor Steven Hunter

This sermon was delivered on Rosh Hashannah the first weekend of 10 days of introspection and repentance culminating in the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.   See why Psalm 32 is read every year on Yom Kippur and how Christians can benefit from reading it too.  As we seek to find answers to the problems in our nation, we find that the first place we need to look isn't external.

The parallel of martial arts disciplines and spiritual disciplines

What martial arts can teach us about Chrisitan spirituality... A black belt recently reminded me of a crucial mindset that can hinder a student's ability to become a great martial artist. In martial arts, the student who relies on his own youth, strength, and vigor may look like a real martial artist but he is only an imitator, lacking true understanding, and power. Because of how he trained, when tested, he fails. How many of us approach Christian disciplines the same way? We are believers but take our spiritual training no further. We profess to be Christians but don't attend church, don't serve others, don't pray, don't read, and don't meditate on the Word. We accept all the things of our culture and approve of things God disapproves of. We are truly imitators and wonder why when tested, we fail. To become a true disciple, we must become humble and teachable. We must sacrifice time, become generous, and follow. We begin to prioritize God over all thing...

Doctrinal Sermon "Who is God, the Trinity" Pastor Steven Hunter

Preaching and teaching over the years, I have realized more and more than fewer and fewer Christians truly understand the nature of God and even fewer can explain the Trinity.  It's imperative that a Christian understand the Triune God because the believer's individual understanding will affect how they interpret scripture. Depending on who you think God is, you may receive the message in a completely different way.  Is God and the Word your authority?  Is He a BIG God or a little god.  Is the Bible your only authority or do you accept many ways?  Do you see God as a loving Father exclusively or do you see Him as having a wide number of character traits including wrath?  Our perception can tait our view of Him which will tait our reaction to Him.  That is why I preached this sermon entitled, "Who is God, the Trinity." Below is the sermon based upon the first 3 points of Christian & Missionary Alliance Doctrine. A proper understanding of God is a fi...

Understanding race in the Bible, based on Revelation 7:9

This is a great article which helps simply our understanding of: 1) Nations 2) Tribes 3) People 4) Tongues

Devotional and Reflection Questions: A Fuller Gospel (the Fourfold Gospel)

A Fuller Gospel      2 Corinthians 4:6-7 states, “ For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”     Dr. A.B. Simpson’s Fourfold Gospel is foundational to our understanding of a fuller gospel that displays the role of Christ in the life of the believer.   Simpson refers specifically to Christ in the life of the believer, but we know that you cannot separate God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit as they act in their distinct and equal roles in the Trinity yet as one God.   It is through accepting Christ’s atoning sacrifice that the Holy Spirit indwells us, and the relationship is restored with the Father.      The first of the four parts of the Fourfold Gospel begins with Jesus, ...