The parallel of martial arts disciplines and spiritual disciplines

What martial arts can teach us about Chrisitan spirituality...

A black belt recently reminded me of a crucial mindset that can hinder a student's ability to become a great martial artist. In martial arts, the student who relies on his own youth, strength, and vigor may look like a real martial artist but he is only an imitator, lacking true understanding, and power. Because of how he trained, when tested, he fails.

How many of us approach Christian disciplines the same way? We are believers but take our spiritual training no further. We profess to be Christians but don't attend church, don't serve others, don't pray, don't read, and don't meditate on the Word. We accept all the things of our culture and approve of things God disapproves of. We are truly imitators and wonder why when tested, we fail.

To become a true disciple, we must become humble and teachable. We must sacrifice time, become generous, and follow. We begin to prioritize God over all things and others more than ourselves. Reading the Word with diligence and consistent commitment, we submit to learn what God wants for our lives. We ponder each concept and humbly submit to apply God's will to our decision making. We apply this knowledge to gain wisdom. With time, persistence, determination, and unwavering commitment we begin to resemble our heavenly master. Our lives gain meaning, purpose, and the evident power of the Holy Spirit.

Consider the attitude and behavior of a good disciple in martial arts. Draw the parallel and become disciplined that you might not fail when Satan comes for you. Like a skilled warrior, he will look for unguarded areas of your life, weak areas in your technique, and any areas of your life that don't resemble the master. Do you look like Christ? Are you ready for the fight? How you train now will determine whether or not you will get beat up in life and if you will finish well.


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