
Showing posts from September, 2019

A modern parable by Steven W. Hunter (A tool for teaching parables)

THE PARABLE OF THE TWO TREES by Steven W. Hunter  (Use this original example of parables to teach students about Jesus's parables.  Start by explaining parables, read some of Jesus's parables, then follow-up with this modern parable.  Then, encourage them to write or make a video telling their own unique parable under 5 minutes in length.) There once grew a tree unlike any of the others.   Immediately it began shooting upward growing quickly.   It became stronger, with incredible large sun attracting leaves, and bark tough like iron.   Its roots grew a mile in the soil, and its branches began reaching upward day by day toward the sky.   Eventually, this great tree through its own efforts pierced the canopy of the forest and began overshadowing even the most ancient of great trees.   This tree’s height continued unhindered as it reached still higher for the sun until one day it hit its zenith far above all the others.   Having achieved all that it set out to do with great

Happiness...Is it a Christian goal?

Reading this article, I was reminded of how elusive happiness is. We say, "I'll be happy when..." Then we get there and we aren't satisfied. It really hasn't been reached yet even though we hit our goal. When asked if he was happy being a millionaire, one millionaire said, "I'll be happy when I make my next million." It seems happiness is somehow always out of reach. I have heard countless athletes say that when they finally achieved their trophy, championship, gold medal, etc that they thought they would finally be satisfied and happy. When they got there, they were even more unhappy and disappointed. I have seen newlyweds quickly lose love for each other when the honeymoon wears off. I hear phrases like, "He doesn't make me happy!" Although both the man and his wife are good people they divorce due to a lack of happiness. Their marriage goal is unattainable and unrealistic. As a Christian, my happiness is n