Can we trust the accuracy of the Bible?

Can we trust the accuracy of the Bible?

Biblical Inerrancy...I hear from some people that we shouldn't get hung up on this. I stand firm on the Bible being inerrant myself.  Here's why...

2 Timothy 3:16-17 clearly states this inerrancy...
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

(That's all scripture)
Let's also reason through this...

Scripture was written by men who were inspired by God right? Do we trust the writings of authoritative men on subjects? Yes, in science, math, medical, counseling, psychology, architecture, and more. So, how much more can we trust in the inspired Word of God written by men? How do we know it's inspired? 

Well, even Jesus attested to the authenticity of the scriptures on several occasions citing several different authors. So we have Jesus's own endorsement. That alone is good enough for me but let's think further. 

Why do some want to say it has errors? The Bible is accurate to history, archeology, genetics, etc. The reason is that we often want to create our own truth. In our "own truth," we can declare our own self absorbed desires as the truth. In our own truth, we can be God of our lives. We can declare things are the way we want and reality can be ignored.  So let me be really clear here. The only reason we claim errors is to satisfy our own selfish desires and not to submit to the words of our Creator. Now you ask that same person if they think some parts of scripture are true and they will often say yes. See the contradiction? They are accepting what they want and throwing away those things they might need to struggle with and address in their lives.

I am no great Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic scholar but I can tell you two things... 
1) I have never found an error in all my years of study and Bible college, 
2) I am not brazen enough to say I am smarter than thousands of linguistics scholars over the centuries who have spent their lives researching the Bible and found zero errors. No other book has more research over more time to authenticate its accuracy and authority. 
3)  The Bible, although not a history book, is historically corroborated by secular historians as accurate.  Archeology also agrees with the accuracy of the Bible.  Finally, genetic lineages represented in the Bible are also accurate.  The Bible represents authoritative accuracy and truth.

Assumed errors turn out to be either misinterpretation of scripture or heresy from the internet. You know you can trust the internet for accuracy...(satire).  If God inspired each scripture and the Word of God is authoritative, then the entirety of the Word of God is authoritative. 

Therefore, if my thoughts don't match up, guess what? I am the one in error, not the scriptures.
Trust in the Lord and set your life by that compass. Its way is always trustworthy and true.


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