
Showing posts from August, 2019

Women ministers or leaders in the church, a modern debate

This is a thought-provoking article that may confront our concept of women's roles as leaders and ministers in the church.  It is well written by the Christian Post and seems to most accurately reflect the depth of this modern debate.

Can we trust the accuracy of the Bible?

Can we trust the accuracy of the Bible? Biblical Inerrancy...I hear from some people that we shouldn't get hung up on this. I stand firm on the Bible being inerrant myself.  Here's why... 2 Timothy 3:16-17 clearly states this inerrancy... All Scripture is God-breathed  and is useful for teaching,  rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,   so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (That's all scripture) Let's also reason through this... Scripture was written by men who were inspired by God right? Do we trust the writings of authoritative men on subjects? Yes, in science, math, medical, counseling, psychology, architecture, and more. So, how much more can we trust in the inspired Word of God written by men? How do we know it's inspired?  Well, even Jesus attested to the authent icity of the scriptures on several occasions citing several different authors. So we have Jesus's own endorsement. Tha...