
Showing posts from April, 2019

Doing the hard thing...lovingly confronting sin.

Doing the hard thing...lovingly confronting sin. Like a house, our soul is only as stable as its foundation. A strong foundation will hold a house steady during stormy weather, but one built on the weak, faulty ground will shift, crack, and eventually fall under the pressure of high winds and rain. Likewise, our lives stand or crumble depending on our soul’s foundation. - Value of a Soul movie To truly love biblically, we must express more than kindness with our love. I would never suggest that it is kind to allow a person to sit in the path of a charging lion or speeding car. I would sound the alarm no matter how much it angered or started them so that I may keep them from harm. In the end, they should be thankful for the warning, but I know that I have done the right thing. That is what matters. Real love allows us to be the unpopular at times as we correct, rebuke, and instruct in righteousness through the Word that it may restore or build-up those we love to right

Pastor as the shepherd. Do pastors sometimes lose focus?

Pastor as the shepherd.  Do Pastors sometimes lose focus? "Preaching is fundamentally a part of the care of souls, and the care of souls involves a thorough understanding of the congregation." - Haddon Robinson, Biblical Preaching So preaching is not just delivering a motivational or entertaining speech, teaching a book, or administration of a church. It is the responsibility of the pastor to shepherd the flock. It is to intercede in the care for the people as ambassadors of God. Programs, church operations, etc should not be pr oduced for the primary purpose of creating event attendance, entertainment, and tithe. This type of ministry would encourage narcissistic self-indulgence, spiritual complacency, and institutional dependence. Instead, pastors should design meaningful ministry that nurses the wounded, heals the sick, strengthen the believer, builds the body, and reaches out with a message of hope through equipped disciples in Jesus Christ. In doing so, we must keep

Why was Lot called righteous in Peter 2:7?

Why was Lot called righteous?  That's a really good question that takes a bit of thought... In Genesis, we read that Lot is Abraham's older brother's son.  Although Lot is a close relative of the Biblical patriarch Abraham, we read that he is riddled with flaws.  Lot, like many of us today, judges by sight and thinks of himself before others (Genesis 13:8-12).  He first chooses to live outside of the city of Sodom then later to live inside its walls.  He is drawn by commerce and gains great influence in this city.  Later he becomes drunk and commits incest with both his daughters.  Lot seems anything but righteous.  So why was Lot rescued twice, first by Abraham (Genesis 14) and later by angels sent by God to escape the judgment and destruction of Sodom? There must be more to Lot than what appears on the surface... From the evident protection of Abraham and God, there must be more going on in the heart of this man than his outward actions show.  The first evidence of